Sunday, May 10, 2020

God is not welcomed here

The Samaritan's Purse Emergency Field Hospital in Central Park

    There is a way of thought about a person who does not accept non-traditional forms of marriage. The thought goes that they are worthy of being harassed, oppressed and spat upon with every vicious expression of hate. It is permissible in social media and in the public to do this.

    You can lose complete perspective in the middle of a pandemic where hundreds of people die every day. I, for one, do not bow to intimidation. That’s exactly what it is. Justifiable harassment and condemnation. There are literally thousands of men and women who have turned to Jesus Christ having abandoned an alternative sexual lifestyle with the accompanied false belief that God gave it to them. Nobody forced them to turn to God. God changed them. They don’t want to go back. They struggle, but they are new people. They have new desires. God showed them love and they were embraced and loved by His people. What you see on TV is usually a fictionalized, dumbed down and incoherent version of the church of Christ. TV likes it like that.

    The people I care about are Christian and non-Christian. Jesus Christ gave His life for all with the intention of securing a complete and irrevocable reconciliation with God because of our sins. A person chooses if their loyalty is to God or if they will become their own god. Most people go with the latter. A person can be shown that no one enters heaven based on their own merit, and with that knowledge still choose their own eternity. They embrace deception and have a terrifying expectation waiting for them. It’s not a good deed to harass a man or a woman because they agree with God about sex and marriage. In what has become two months of a deadly pandemic in New York and the wearying effects of it, I am reminded that I am tired of the intimidation game.

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